Welcome to the Sacred Path of Reiki Blog! This site is intended as a complement to the book, Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline which will be released in December by Llewellyn Worldwide. It is currently available for pre-order at:

This unique guidebook combines traditional Reiki techniques with chakra healing, the magical arts, and the author's own spiritual and clairvoyant experience. Reiki Master Katalin Koda has studied Tibetan Buddhism, practiced Kundalini yoga, and researched ancient Vedic knowledge of the human energy field in India. The result is a powerful new way to practice Reiki, a holistic spiritual approach that Koda calls the Reiki Warrior path.
Also, if you haven't already, please check out www.sacredpathreiki.com for more information regarding the book, Katalin, healings and workshops.
Over the course of the next months, various aspects of the Reiki Warrior path will be published here including:
- Six Tools of the Reiki Warrior
- Creating Sacred Space
- Connecting to Earth and Sky
- The Art of Laying-on-Hands
- Building an Auric Vocabulary
- The Power of Symbols
These are just a few of the concepts and practical methods found in Sacred Path of Reiki. Testimonials, Reiki stories and the chance for connections to happen here between Reiki healers, practitioners and teachers will also be a central aspect of this blog.

Over the past decade, Katalin has continued her practice and teaching of Reiki supplementing her study with the Chakra System, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga and the Tibetan Dharma. She is a certified Sivananda Yoga instructor from Sivananda Ashram in Neyyar Dam, Kerala. Katalin currently divides her time between Hawai’i and India where she continues to practice Reiki and teaches all degrees of Reiki Warrior. She also provides chakra, Tarot and sacred crafting workshops as well as pursuing her shamanic training, writing and painting.