Reiki Warrior: First Degree
February 14—15, 2009; 10-6(Please bring a lunch, snacks provided)
Reiki is literally ‘spirit-guided energy.’ This Tibetan/Japanese method of relaxation can be learned by anyone and promotes healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Students learn how to work with Reiki healing energy for themselves and others, using the Chakra System. Reiki Warrior students also learn the six tools of healing, including grounding and how to create sacred space.
Cost: $350 (Please let us know if you are Kama’aina)
Munay Ki Rites Workshop
February 16, 2009; 10-4(Please bring a lunch, snacks will be provided)
Fire Ceremony on February 18; 7 PM
Be the first to receive the Munay Ki Rites on the Big Island!
The extraordinary Munay Ki rites will be offered as a special addition to students who are taking the First Degree Reiki Warrior Workshop. The process of the Munay Ki begins with receiving the Nine Rites and is followed by the student practicing fire ceremonies for seven consecutive full moons. It requires the simple, yet important commitment to honoring the seven major archetypes of the Laika tradition. During the seven month process the body, soul and heart are empowered and transformed, resulting in the illumination of the Munay Ki.
Cost: $50 (For workshop supplies and teaching only. The Rites themselves are offered free of charge.)
Location: Big Island, Hawaii
Puna Coast on Kalapana-Kapoho Road
Contact: Katalin 808.769.7645 or katalinkoda@yahoo.com
Please call or email to Register now! Space is limited.
See www.sacredpathreiki.com for more info