Four Activation Meetings: Power, Love, Wisdom and Integration
First Activation Meeting: Stepping Into Power with ceremony and initiation, shamanic journey work, mask making, deconstructing power-over dynamics and rebuilding personal power, symbolism and myth exploration using archetypes: Steerswoman, Initiate, Warrioress.
December 11, 7 PM and December 12, 10-4
Next Three Meetings: Second Saturday of each month: Jan--March
Teachers: Jill Walton has a degree in Psychology and spent the last thirty years as an intuitive counselor and educator. She has worked with Tarot, the chakra system, The Four-Fold Way and the Wheel of the Year Ceremonies. She is currently studying pre-Christian Hawaiian Spirituality with Kahuna Aupuni Iwi Ula. Jill teaches classes including The Seven Chakras: A Journey of Self Awareness, Psychic Development, The Four Sacred Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, Developing a Daily Spiritual Practice, and Accessing Your Personal Guides.
Katalin Koda, author, Reiki Master and shamanic practitioner, has worked extensively with the chakra system, Tarot, Wicca, sacred space and the elements for over twelve years. She authored Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline. Katalin is initiated in Tibetan Buddhist practices and the Munay Ki of Peruvian shamanism and currently teaches all degrees of Reiki as well as passing Munay Ki initiations and leading drum journeys. She is currently working on her next book Sacred Feminine, forthcoming Fall 2010.