Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sacred Feminine Intensive for Women

Four Activation Meetings: Power, Love, Wisdom and Integration

First Activation Meeting: Stepping Into Power with ceremony and initiation, shamanic journey work, mask making, deconstructing power-over dynamics and rebuilding personal power, symbolism and myth exploration using archetypes: Steerswoman, Initiate, Warrioress.

December 11, 7 PM and December 12, 10-4

Next Three Meetings: Second Saturday of each month: Jan--March

Teachers: Jill Walton has a degree in Psychology and spent the last thirty years as an intuitive counselor and educator. She has worked with Tarot, the chakra system, The Four-Fold Way and the Wheel of the Year Ceremonies. She is currently studying pre-Christian Hawaiian Spirituality with Kahuna Aupuni Iwi Ula. Jill teaches classes including The Seven Chakras: A Journey of Self Awareness, Psychic Development, The Four Sacred Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, Developing a Daily Spiritual Practice, and Accessing Your Personal Guides.

Katalin Koda, author, Reiki Master and shamanic practitioner, has worked extensively with the chakra system, Tarot, Wicca, sacred space and the elements for over twelve years. She authored Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline. Katalin is initiated in Tibetan Buddhist practices and the Munay Ki of Peruvian shamanism and currently teaches all degrees of Reiki as well as passing Munay Ki initiations and leading drum journeys. She is currently working on her next book Sacred Feminine, forthcoming Fall 2010.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Intention Circle

For the past few weeks, two friends and I have been 'meeting' each day and intending things for each other. One friend lives in Brooklyn, the other in Maryland and I in Hawaii so we are not meeting in the physical sense, but we are committing to intentions on the energetic sense. It is a powerful connection and strengthens not only our intended outcomes, by our love for each other. We are old friends, all having known each other for over a decade (creeping up on fifteen years even!) and although we have not always lived near each other, we know one another's pains and joys, loves and sorrows and by staying connected through intention it nourishes our friendship.

In Reiki and any kind of healing work such as an intention circle, we are putting ourselves into a place of compassion. We are letting energy move through us in the noble pursuit of benefiting others which is true dharma. When we are intentionally manifesting others' wishes, dreams and visions, more light and love naturally move through us. We are, in a way, more connected to the Universe and less attached because the motivation is purer, it is for others, not for ourselves. And often times these intentions do come true and manifest for each other as the natural byproduct of such an outpouring of love.

Anyone can try this. Just connect with a couple friends and tell each other your vision; what you want to manifest. Be specific! If you need a better job, state exactly what kind of job you want; if you want a partner, provide details of the kind of person you feel would be harmonious in your world. My friends and I are trading off once a week, so we concentrate on each other for a week, then switch to the next person. It's a lovely way to work with Spirit, bringing that more fully onto the physical plane.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Exploring the Sacred Feminine and Empowering Your Life

Jill Walton and Katalin Koda are co-leading a Sacred Feminine Intensive for women December 2009 through March 2010. The class will meet Friday evening and Saturday, once a month. This course explores the themes of Love, Power and Wisdom. This training is an intensive and focuses on finding one's path using the Sacred Feminine which will lay a foundation for all aspects of one's life. By using art, Tarot and symbolism, ceremony and sound, healing and shamanic techniques we will reclaim the sacred feminine both for oneself and as a gift to the world.

Jill Walton has a degree in Psychology and spent the last thirty years as an intuitive counselor and educator. She has worked with Tarot, the chakra system, The Four-Fold Way and the Wheel of the Year Ceremonies. She is currently studying pre-Christian Hawaiian Spirituality with Kahuna Aupuni Iwi Ula. Jill teaches classes including The Seven Chakras: A Journey of Self Awareness, Psychic Development, The Four Sacred Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, Developing a Daily Spiritual Practice, and Accessing Your Personal Guides.

Katalin has worked with Reiki, Tarot, Wicca, sacred space and the elements for over twelve years, supplementing her study with the chakra system, shamanism and art. Her book Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline was published December 2008. She has also been initiated in Tibetan Buddhist practices and the Munay Ki. She teaches all degrees of Reiki as well as passing Munay Ki initiations and leading drum journey processes. She is currently working on her next book Sacred Feminine, forthcoming Fall of 2010. See www.earthweaver.blogpspot.com
Dates: Second weekend of each month: Friday evening 6 PM and Saturday 9 –5
First Meeting: December 11th, Friday evening/December 12th, All Day Saturday

Cost: $350 in Advance or $400 (Pay as you go, $100 per Class)
Limited to ten participants so sign up now!

Contact: Jill at 965.1824 or jtwalton@hotmail.com
Katalin at 769.7645 or katalinkoda@yahoo.com

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Earth Connection: The Grounding Cord Exercise and 8 Other Ways to Ground and Center

First Published by Llewellyn Inc., at:

As we develop along the path as healers and magical practitioners, we find that certain tools enhance our practice immeasurably. One of the most important aspects of good healing and magical work is to ground and center. As a Reiki Master, I have found that these are two crucial elements to the practice of Reiki and healing as well as in magical arts such as creating sacred space or casting spells.

To ground is to bring our awareness into our bodies, to draw down into ourselves breathing right here, right now. When we do this we find our center and become better aligned with the continuous and ever-changing flow of life. To ground and center ourselves is like repositioning ourselves at the center of a wheel or mandala. We are reconnecting with being in balance between our feminine and masculine, at the center of the four directions, more clearly aware of our presence on Earth in a particular space. This gives us a clear and potent connection to Earth, which allows our healing work, our magical work, and even our basic day-to-day activities to become lighter and more energetic.

Grounding and centering not only provide a kind of container to hold the energy that moves through us, but they also gives us clear boundaries. In this way it is like we are creating a sacred vessel to hold the energy that is raised up and utilized in our work. In the practice of Reiki, I have found grounding so essential that I made it one of my Reiki Warrior tools as seen in my book The Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline. I found that students, when receiving the sky-like attunements in Reiki Warrior classes, occasionally became overwhelmed by the rush of energy. Sometimes they felt light-headed or spacey and could not follow through on all the Reiki techniques. That is when I added certain techniques to aid students in their Reiki processes.

One of the techniques is called the Grounding Cord exercise, which is very useful when practicing Reiki. I teach each student this method and have them do it before a Reiki session as well as after, in conjunction with the Auric Cleanse. This way the student connects directly into the Earth, which aids the practice of healing. Studies have shown that the frequency measured around healers’ hands during times of healing matches the very same frequency at the center of the Earth. This is a clear indication that we are able to directly contact and use the powerful Earth energy as an aid to our healing and magical work. In Hawaii, the sacred dance of hula also mirrors that special Earth energy, but more specifically the volcanic flow. The dancing of Pele, the sacred Goddess of Fire on the Big Island, uses rhythmic rising and falling, swaying, and flowing to emulate the same rhythms of the flow of lava from Halema’uma’u Crater. The ancient people have known about this for millennia, as well as that the direct connection between our bodies and the Earth is crucial for healing and magical work.

When we set up a Sacred Space, we can create as we usually do, giving offering to the four directions and calling in the elements associated with each direction. We then honor the Earth and the Sky, and find our center in that space for a few moments by concentrating on the breath. To ground we can visualize our Grounding Cord. To do this, sit quietly in a chair or meditative position. Focus on the breath for several moments. With each exhalation imagine your consciousness sinking down into the root chakra, located just below the cervix in women and at the perineum in men. Focus for a few minutes on dropping the awareness with each exhalation into the root chakra, perhaps visualizing a red, spinning orb or disk. Feel the warmth and centering of this point in the body. Then, imagine a cord of light, perhaps the same brilliant red color, growing down toward the center of the Earth. It should be a few inches in diameter. Imagine it growing through the floor below you, into the soil of the Earth. Notice the feeling of being connected directly, energetically with the soil, then the rocks, and the water below the rocks. Allow the grounding cord to grow further down through the crystals and minerals of the Earth and finally into the molten core, the brilliant warm energy of planet Earth. Inhale that energy up into the body and exhale back into the Earth center. Allow yourself to feel grounded, connected, and centered. Perhaps the grounding cord stays brilliant red or moves into another color (any color works). If you have trouble visualizing, maybe you can sense or feel that quality of groundedness. Some may associate sound or smell with this exercise. The main purpose is simply to reconnect with your body being right here, right now, grounded on the Earth.

When you have mastered this simple but effective exercise, you can use it every day. Try changing the color of the grounding cord to bring in different qualities or feelings. When you are traveling in a car imagine the grounding cord running along with you, keeping you continuously connected to the Earth. When you are lying down visualize the cord either bending down from your root chakra or simply going straight down, whichever seems simpler.

During Reiki or healing sessions, the Grounding Cord exercise also works to not only anchor us to the Earth, but also to release any unwanted energy that may be triggered by the healing. Ideally, we as healers will not take on anything muddled or stagnant from a client, but sometimes it can happen. By using the Grounding Cord exercise as a way to release excess energy, we can aim to not take on anything from our clients. At the end of a healing session, simply imagine anything muddled or unclear flowing back out of you and your aura and into the Earth’s center, where it will neutralize. For those who are Second Degree practitioners of Reiki, try using the Grounding Cord exercise before sending your distance healing; this can enhance your Reiki practice by bringing even more energy into the healing session because this, in essence, is creating a clear container. Knowing that we will clearly not be carrying our client’s trauma or drama with us, we are able to go much deeper into the healing process.

Similarly, in magical work, when we ground and center we are able to access a much stronger potential of magical energy. For example, when we are doing a Full Moon Ceremony, we can use the Grounding Cord exercise after creating a sacred space. This will bring us more powerfully into the center of our space and provide a very strong energy to use when we then call down the moon, do an abundance spell, or create a magical talisman. The use of visualization is common to most magical practitioners and the Grounding Cord exercise is a very earthy and real way to enhance our creative work.

There are many other ways to ground and center as well, and I encourage you to experiment. Walking barefoot on the grass, in the soil and Earth, is an excellent way to feel our selves in our bodies. Too often our feet are overly soft and sensitive, having spent years in heavy shoes or overly arched in heels. When I lived in India I was often impressed by the feet of the locals, which literally gripped the Earth so naturally, giving them an incredible sense of balance and the ability to walk across any kind of landscape.

Other great ways to ground include:
• Using crystals like obsidian, hematite, or onyx during healing or magical work; these heavier stones will give you a direct connection to the more solid aspects of the Earth

• Lighting incense or herbs to evoke our connection with smell

• Playing an instrument that helps to focus the mind; drumming or playing any kind of rhythmic instrument provides you a chance to connect with the Earth

• Eating heavier foods, such as meat, bread, or potatoes; if this turns you off, try roots like carrots or beets that will nourish the body and give you an extra boost of minerals

• Dancing, walking, hiking, and moving the body will reconnect you with your heartbeat

• Magical work (including chanting, singing, creating a Sacred Space, and casting spells) helps to refocus your energy in alignment with the natural world; practicing these arts require you to be more aware of the rhythms of nature, such as the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and daily shifts

• More Gratitude, Less Attitude; remembering to be thankful for all the abundance we encounter each day helps us to be more present, grounded, and focused

Although this list may seem obvious, we live in a society where watching the day slowly turn to night, witnessing the dawn, drumming to the stars, dancing our feelings of anger or joy, or feeling the soil under our feet are not necessarily daily activities. Too often I have worked on clients whose feet are overly arched in semi-permanent heels and their minds are filled with the restless activity of mental chatter. By taking time out each day to reconnect with the Earth, to ground and center, we are giving ourselves true nourishment. This is essential in our healing and magical work, as well as connecting with those in our everyday life.

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion, tension, or stress, take off your shoes and let your feet breathe. Open up your lungs with deep breaths and use the Grounding Cord exercise to reconnect with the center of our Mother Earth. Remember, this is a very real and wonderful connection, one that should be honored each day. We so often forget that sense of gratitude as we rush off to fulfill our tasks and by grounding and centering we can reclaim that in a very simple, effective, and present way, one that does not require any special skill or years of practice. It is vital to remember that we are in a physical form, one that will all too soon dissolve. Let us enjoy it while it lasts!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reiki Warrior: Second Degree

Upcoming Workshop

Second Degree Reiki consists of four attunements to strengthen the Reiki flow. Students learn three of the five Reiki symbols to enhance their understanding and use of Reiki. They will learn the methods of healing across time and distance to effectively cleanse the past, charge the future positively and heal others from a distance. Students will work more deeply with the chakra system and human energy field learning more advanced techniques such as scanning, chakra balancing and clearing. Each student will practice sending Reiki and earn a Reiki Two degree.
Cost: $250

August 22-23, 2009

10-5 both days

(Please bring a lunch, snacks provided)

Monday, May 4, 2009


The path of the healer is one way to deal constantly with the issue of non-attachment. In the Buddha dharma, or teachings of the Buddha, non-attachment is the concept of not being attached, as this fuels our desire, thus causing suffering. This does not mean coldness or detachment, but, simply put, being so very present in the moment that we are not attached to our desires for the future or longings of the past. Easier said than done!

When I teach Reiki, we always discuss the Reiki Principles. The first one is: "There must be a change in consciousness for healing to occur."
This is integral to the healer's path as we are reminded that healing is synonymous with CHANGE. If a client or healee does not want change, there is not much we can do about it. Yet, when clients come, they are usually open to some level of change, some open heartedness is there as they offer their money or gift as an offering to receive healing, thus leading us to the second principle: "There must be an appropriate exchange of energy, one that honors each."

These teachings seem, for me, to be the most difficult for the ones I love the most. As we all know, it is the dearly loved ones that we are most attached to, the ones that provide the intense mirrors of our deep-seated insecurities, needs and attachments. Some healers recommend not to attempt healing for our families at all, as our own attachment and desire will get in the way of the energy flow. In my book I discuss this in reference to my husband, who I have earnestly given Reiki to over the years, in the attempt to 'heal' his knee. Although it relives the pain for a short period of time, no full healing has occurred. As we say in India, "What to do?"

Nothing. No-thing on a very deep level, that is. Deep, surrender and acceptance. We all know those words and most of us have experienced this on some level, but to really and truly do this we have to just let go. So difficult! We can revisit the times we have done this...when we fell in love, swam or walked through fear of certain surroundings, gave birth, watched someone die. These are some of the most profound moments in our life, when we let go so deeply that the little self, the ego self fell away to reveal the very vast Self that is interconnected to all things. Ironically, it is in these moments, that the most powerful healings occur!

So, in my own life, I have a current reminder to let go, to practice non-attachment and be more present with my Self and my family. With my daughter and her persistent ear clog, my husband and his chronic knee ache. I will continue to dissolve my worries about them, about my own fears; go back and attempt to revisit the pure Mind, the true Nature of Being, the ultimate Rei--Ki (Spirit Guided Energy) and, as Ram Dass says, simply, "Be Here Now."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reiki One Workshop

Reiki is literally ‘spirit-guided energy.’ This Tibetan/Japanese method of relaxation can be learned by anyone and promotes healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Students learn how to work with Reiki healing energy for themselves and others, using the Chakra System. Reiki Warrior students also learn the six tools of healing, including grounding and how to create sacred space. The course includes the four attunements, practical time, a copy of Katalin's book and Reiki certificate.

May 15, 2009; 6:30 PM Opening Circle with Sound and Journey Work

May 16--17; 10 AM--5 PM Two Day Reiki One Workshop

Cost: $250

Please let us know if you are kama'aina.

Contact: Katalin @808.769.7645 for more information


Monday, April 13, 2009

Reiki Two Class

Last week was the Second Degree Reiki Warrior class. We opened the course with a full moon night of drumming, sacred space, journey and connecting in with our healing guides. The students asked for messages to guide them over the course of the next two days and this was a wonderful way to begin the process of receiving Reiki Two attunements and instructions.

Reiki Two is a deeper commitment to the Healing Path of Reiki. This is the time when students connect to the activation of the Reiki within their aura light body and upper chakras. Often times students feel a stronger healing energy pulsing through into their hands. They also learn how to send Reiki over both time and distance which enhances the Reiki practice greatly. This requires more sensitivity to balancing the ethical practice of healing. We always ask people when we send healing so that all of this goes for the greatest good.

During the workshop, as it rained outside for hours, we sent healing to those we love; to past or current situations that need resolving; to the Earth for increased peace and harmony. Sending to the past is always an interesting experience. When we do that it helps to resolve current tension that can result in negative karma. For example, when we send healing Reiki to a traumatic experience in our childhood, we allow that child to feel healed and whole which can result in shifts currently. This is not unlike soul healing in shamanic traditions, where we track back to a missing soul piece to help reintegrate that part of us that has left us incomplete. This also enables us to better see Time as a Spiral or non-linear reality. We are multi-dimensional beings that have the capability to experience being outside of linear time. Practicing second degree Reiki with the symbols gives us that opportunity.

We also practiced the healing chain, a technique where one healer sends Reiki and another healer, at a distance, joins by healing the first healer. This can increase the energy flow greatly and provides assistance to the healer. I recommend Reiki Two practitioners to try this out and see what happens. Often powerful healings are a result!

The students also learned interesting techniques including aura scanning, chakra balancing and how to use the Reiki symbols to clear and energize both the body and energy field. I always enjoy teaching these techniques to both new and seasoned healers as an opportunity to further explore the dance of energy that is reflected in our form, our bodies.

I am thankful to my students and the continued chance to pass along the magic that is Reiki.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Upcoming Workshop

Reiki Warrior: Second Degree

Second Degree Reiki consists of four attunements to strengthen the Reiki flow. Students learn three of the five Reiki symbols to enhance their understanding and use of Reiki. They will learn the methods of healing across time and distance to effectively cleanse the past, charge the future positively and heal others from a distance. Students will work more deeply with the chakra system and human energy field learning more advanced techniques such as scanning, chakra balancing and clearing. Each student will practice sending Reiki and earn a Reiki Two degree.

April 10--11, 2009 (10--5)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Upcoming Workshop

Reiki Warrior: First Degree

February 14—15, 2009; 10-6(Please bring a lunch, snacks provided)

Reiki is literally ‘spirit-guided energy.’ This Tibetan/Japanese method of relaxation can be learned by anyone and promotes healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Students learn how to work with Reiki healing energy for themselves and others, using the Chakra System. Reiki Warrior students also learn the six tools of healing, including grounding and how to create sacred space.

Cost: $350 (Please let us know if you are Kama’aina)

Munay Ki Rites Workshop

February 16, 2009; 10-4(Please bring a lunch, snacks will be provided)

Fire Ceremony on February 18; 7 PM

Be the first to receive the Munay Ki Rites on the Big Island!

The extraordinary Munay Ki rites will be offered as a special addition to students who are taking the First Degree Reiki Warrior Workshop. The process of the Munay Ki begins with receiving the Nine Rites and is followed by the student practicing fire ceremonies for seven consecutive full moons. It requires the simple, yet important commitment to honoring the seven major archetypes of the Laika tradition. During the seven month process the body, soul and heart are empowered and transformed, resulting in the illumination of the Munay Ki.

Cost: $50 (For workshop supplies and teaching only. The Rites themselves are offered free of charge.)

Location: Big Island, Hawaii

Puna Coast on Kalapana-Kapoho Road

Contact: Katalin 808.769.7645 or katalinkoda@yahoo.com

Please call or email to Register now! Space is limited.

See www.sacredpathreiki.com for more info